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Board Approves Qualifying Fees for Upcoming Election

Jan 23, 2024

For Immediate Release
January 23, 2024

Board Approves Qualifying Fees for Upcoming Election

(Clayton County, GA) – The Clayton County Board of Commissioners unanimously approve the establishment and publication of qualifying fees for each county office in the upcoming primary and general election at a special called board meeting held on Tues., Jan 23, 2024, in line with Resolution 2024-12.

Resolution 2024-12 sets qualifying fees for each county office to be filled in the upcoming primary and general election to include substituting the amount of qualifying fees for the Board of Education Chair and Vice-Chair positions.

For more information, access to review the meeting agendas, or call 770.477.3208. Media representatives should contact the Office of Communications, Communications Administrator Valerie L. Fuller at: 770.473.3834, or submit a media inquiry form to the team by accessing:
